
How to structure your monday boards for maximum team success

How to structure your boards for maximum team success

March 7, 2022 has a ton of tools to make your boards simple, but the biggest asset you’ll need is your team’s buy-in. Here’s how to get it. Your ideal board isn’t just up to you, it’s up to your team. An “ideal” board is one that’s used by everyone. So even though you THINK you…

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How we set up monday to succeed. Monday training your Team can ACTUALLY Use

How we set up to succeed. training your Team can ACTUALLY Use

February 28, 2022 training is a great tool for your team. But like any tool, it only works when you learn it correctly. That’s why we believe training is so important. That’s true for you, but it’s also true for your team. You don’t just need a flexible project management software, you need buy-in! Sure, you…

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How to help your team adopt monday

How to help your team adopt

February 14, 2022

As a project manager you know that it’s your job to make sure things get done, on time, and to the specifications you need. You also know that it’s your people who do this work for you. This training is about how to keep THEM happy. So let’s say instead of using “my work”,…

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How to customize Monday for your team

How to customize for your team

February 9, 2022

If you’re like most people, you probably set out to use with the best intentions You want to get your organization, well, organized and seems like a great platform to do that. You aren’t wrong, it’s a robust, flexible project management system that allows you the ultimate freedom to set up your boards…

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Getting Started: Learning monday organizational structures

Getting Started: Learning organizational structures

January 24, 2022

Hey everyone, since we have so many folks checking out our content, we thought it might be nice to do a little primer on how to best organize and use your account. Now you may feel like you already know this information — props to you, but it’s always good to hear the terminology…

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Setting monday Permissions for Your Team

Setting Permissions for Your Team

January 3, 2022

Setting permissions is one of the most important tools you’ll learn on The problem is that sometimes it gets lost in the excitement of learning a new piece of tech! We’re here to tell you though that once you learn how to set permissions, it’s going to unlock a totally new level of…

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Importing Data From Excel to monday

Importing Data From Excel to

December 27, 2021

 We’re willing to be that you use excel for an awful lot at your job. Sometimes though, you need that data translated quickly and easily to There can be several reasons for doing this, maybe it has to do with sales reports, maybe it’s just helping your CRM. No matter what your reason, you…

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Importing Data From Excel to monday

How to Invite Guests to Your Board (but limit what they see)

December 20, 2021

One of the best parts of is that it’s extremely easy to let your clients see how progress is going for the projects you want them to see. That can be invaluable for their own information, but it’s also great for you. Say, you need extra information or documents for a specific project,…

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Setting monday Permissions for Your Team

How to create a view of your project on

December 13, 2021

Sometimes you don’t need all the details. Sometimes you just want to see what’s going on at a glance. is great for that! When you create a view, you’re able dive as deep as you want into a project’s details. It’s not hard! Here’s an easy way to set up a view on your…

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Julie Thoreen Lucid Day

How to use as a CRM to track your CPA firm’s business

December 6, 2021

CRM software is THE most effective way to track your leads and current clients. Knowing this information is vital because it allows your team to eventually convert leads into actual clients — which is the name of the game. It’s also helpful in remarketing to existing clients who may need a little TLC. The problem?…

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