Professional Services

  • Lucid Day - Service Icons_Consultation


  • Lucid Day - Service Icons-02


  • Lucid Day - Service Icons_Ongoing Services


The Lucid Day Way

We build collaboratively with our clients. Why?

  • 1.

    Learn how to use it by using it engages both the listening/analyzing left side and the visual/spatial right side of your brain.

  • 2.

    Faster and Cheaper

    Discover what really works in practice when you implement your system ideas with us. 

  • 3.

    Lightbulb moments

    Ways to make your process better will reveal themselves while you learn and build.

  • 4.

    You will know how to make it better

    We want you to intimately know your processes so that you can improve on them as you use them.

  • 5.

    You have more authority

    Change is hard. Your team needs someone who they can trust knows the platform you're asking them to use to help support them through the adoption cycle.


What does this mean for


Weekly Sessions

We discuss the work that was done and needs to get done to finish your workflows. And to train you to have command over the product.

We will guide you

We guide you in the right direction for your workflows. We either train you on how to build them or we take on the heavy lifting to build it together with you.


We are available throughout our engagement to support you, as needed, in between weekly sessions.

Jumpstart with Lucid Day

15 hours (2)
  • Jumpstart with Lucid Day

    Total Hours: 15 hours 


For teams and businesses that want implementation support from experts in building out their workflows in while also learning how to manage, maintain and tweak it after we're done.

  • Free workflow workshop (30 min)
  • Workflow discovery (1-2 hours)
  • Planning/preparation (3-4 hours)
  • Offline build sessions (up to 6 hours)
  • Online build sessions (3-5 hours)


Don’t waste your time wondering if you chose the right platform help set-up

Get a free 25-minute consultation today